Nov 28, 2023
It’s amazing what we can do when we work together for our children: $150k+ for art, music, science camp, field trips, gardens, JEDI books, intervention and more over the 22-23 school year! This month on our facebook page we’ve been sharing the impact at each of the ten school sites we support. Highlights are also shared here on our Schools page.
We hope that, if the impact SEF is making for our students speaks to you, you’ll support our work for the 23-24 school year, whether it’s part of #GivingTuesday or your end of year donations. Sunnyvale Ed Foundation is on your site and making a difference. #sunnyvaleedfoundationonyoursite.

Aug 8, 2017
School is almost back in session! Here are some important upcoming dates:
- Address verification is happening at several campuses this week. Please check your school’s web site for details.
- Columbia Middle School and Sunnyvale Middle School are hosting 6th grade orientation this year! It’s Friday, August 11th from 8am-12pm
- SMS is also hosting a 6th grade parent orientation on August 11th, at 8-9 am OR 5-6pm. Both parent sessions will cover the same material – only attend one please.
- First day of school is Wednesday, August 16!
We hope you’re enjoying the last few days of summer!
Mar 12, 2017
Sunnyvale Middle School bought new art books!

This is a great set of books that get used mainly (but not only) in the 6th grade Fundamentals in Art class.

What a great way to learn more about history and culture! We’re so happy we were able to help SMS buy these.