Nov 28, 2023
It’s amazing what we can do when we work together for our children: $150k+ for art, music, science camp, field trips, gardens, JEDI books, intervention and more over the 22-23 school year! This month on our facebook page we’ve been sharing the impact at each of the ten school sites we support. Highlights are also shared here on our Schools page.
We hope that, if the impact SEF is making for our students speaks to you, you’ll support our work for the 23-24 school year, whether it’s part of #GivingTuesday or your end of year donations. Sunnyvale Ed Foundation is on your site and making a difference. #sunnyvaleedfoundationonyoursite.

Dec 16, 2017

Waaayyyy back in October (two months ago!) we wrote a check to the school district to help pay for field trips for the four title 1 schools: Vargas, Bishop, San Miguel, and Lakewood. Field trips are super-important for learning, but getting the students out into the world can be expensive. Which is where we come in. We were able to get a grant to send students form the four title 1 schools in the district on field trips!
We’re happy that we were able to make a small difference in these students’ education.
May 12, 2017
Want to learn even more about our drive to raise money for science camp? Click on the images below (the first is in English, the second, Spanish) and read our flier!

May 1, 2017
Did you know…
- All fifth grade students in SSD go to science camp for one week?
- Some schools are still raising funds for those students, even though the students have already gone to science camp?
- Sunnyvale Education Foundation will match donations made by May 24, up to $5000 to help with that gap?
It’s true! A donation of $300 would pay for one student’s full science camp tuition, but anything, even $10, will help. Thank you for your support!