Current SEF Board

Michelle Eugeni, President, Cherry Chase Rep

Michelle Eugeni


Michelle is a Sunnyvale native with more than twenty years experience in educational fields, including teaching, administration, research and program evaluation, educational publishing, and literacy tutoring. In her ten years as a parent volunteer at Cherry Chase and Sunnyvale Middle she has been involved in nearly every aspect of the parent and school volunteer community, including eight years on Cherry Chase PTA’s Executive Board. Michelle enjoys spending time with her family, reading, traveling, playing games, scouting and being outdoors. In her role as President of SEF, Michelle acts as the spokesperson for the Sunnyvale Education Foundation, channeling resources and passion to support student enrichment across the Sunnyvale School District. She serves on the Executive and Fundraising Committees.


Reid Myers, SEF Sunnyvale School District Rep

Peggy Shen Brewster

Vice President

Peggy has been a Sunnyvale resident for over 14 years. She taught 8th and 2nd grades in a neighboring school district and is grateful to have enrolled her children in Sunnyvale schools and become part of the Bishop Elementary School community. Peggy joined SEF because she is passionate about equity and closing opportunity, language, and learning gaps across the Sunnyvale School District. She is thankful to SEF for the leadership experience and connections, which she has leveraged into further impact by founding Sunnyvale for Equity in Education (SEE) and leading Bishop Elementary’s transition from PTO to PTA. In the previous two years Peggy established SEF’s Grants Administrator role and now serves as Vice President. She is Chair of the Governance and Board Development Committee and serves on the Executive Committee. Peggy joined the Governing Board of the Sunnyvale School District in December, 2024.


Brenda Robbins


Brenda is a former Bishop Elementary and Columbia Middle School parent and has been a Sunnyvale resident for over 30 years. With over 30 years of experience in accounting and finance in Silicon Valley, she has enjoyed serving as a volunteer with various community, church and school groups. As the SEF Secretary, she is responsible for security and accuracy of all Board records, including agendas, meeting minutes, resolutions, to name a few.. Brenda also serves on the Budget and Finance Committee and is a member of the Executive Committee.


Kei Sato


Kei has lived in Sunnyvale for over 25 years, is a parent of two children that attend Sunnyvale Middle School and Homestead High, and a former parent at Cherry Chase Elementary. Kei has been deeply involved in school parent organizations, predominantly in Treasurer / Finance roles. He joined SEF in 2023 and is excited to widen his impact by contributing to enriching our students’ experience beyond the four walls of school campus. Outside of his commitment to students and schools, Kei has worked in technology in a variety of operational, product management, and finance-related leadership roles for three decades. He enjoys cooking (a pandemic-era hobby), urban travel, and tennis.​ As Treasurer, Kei oversees the management and reporting of the Foundation’s finances. In addition to chairing the Budget & Finance Committee, he also serves on the Executive Committee.


George McMullen

George McMullen

VP Communications

George is a former Vargas Elementary parent where he served as Vargas Lead for the YMCA Project Cornerstone ABC Reader program. When he’s not having fun while taking care of his kids, George is a product management consultant, helping startups achieve their product/market fit.



Bishop Elementary School Representative

SEF has an opening for a member of the Bishop School community to serve on the SEF Board as a liaison between SEF and the school. Interested parents, staff, or community members should contact Michelle Eugeni, SEF President.


E.J. Nham


Cherry Chase Elementary School Representative

SEF has an opening for a member of the Cherry Chase School community to serve on the SEF Board as a liaison between SEF and the school. Interested parents, staff, or community members should contact Michelle Eugeni, SEF President.


Brenda Robbins, SEF Treasurer

Lauren Ledbetter

Columbia Middle School Representative

Lauren joined the SEF Board in September 2023. Her children attended Bishop Elementary and Columbia Middle. She joined the board after recognizing the role SEF has in bringing enrichment activities and field trips to schools throughout Sunnyvale and reducing disparities between school sites. She is passionate about ensuring our students have access to high quality arts, athletic, and academic programs, regardless of family income. She brings grantwriting and policy experience from her two decades working as a transportation planner in the public and private sector. She has lived in Sunnyvale since 2013 with her family and enjoys the city’s the vibrant, compassionate community. She is the Columbia site representative and serves on SEF’s fundraising committee.


Sara Grassman, SEF Board Member At Large


Cumberland Elementary School Representative

SEF has an opening for a member of the Cumberland School community to serve on the SEF Board as a liaison between SEF and the school. Interested parents, staff, or community members should contact Michelle Eugeni, SEF President.


Nora Beamon

Ellis Elementary Representative

Nora is an Ellis Elementary parent and a former middle and high school math teacher (including 3 years teaching in FUHSD). She grew up on the east coast and has lived in Sunnyvale for almost 10 years. She is excited to support SEF’s goal of enriching education for every SSD student as the Ellis rep and a member of the governance committee.


Eileen Le

Fairwood Explorer Elementary Representative

Eileen is a Fairwood parent and a Trustee on the Sunnyvale School District Board of Trustees.


Tammy Michels

Lakewood Tech EQ Representative

Tammy is a former Lakewood parent and has been an active part of the Lakewood Community for 14 years. She is an Instructional Aide and Library Specialist at Lakewood supporting students, teachers and parents. She also serves on the Programs Committee.  Over the past few years, Tammy has served as Treasurer for Lakewood PTA and Columbia Middle School PTSA.


Ambrosia Studley, SEF Middle School Rep

Cortney Jansen

San Miguel Elementary Representative

A San Miguel Juntos parent, Cortney is our San Miguel Elementary Representative and member of our Programs Committee. Originally from Wisconsin, Cortney has lived in North Sunnyvale for the last 13 years. Her background is in music performance and biomedical engineering, and she is a technical program manager at Intuitive. Cortney is a board member of her local neighborhood association and chair of fundraising for San Miguel Elementary PTA. She is passionate about providing an equitable, amazing education to all of our students, regardless of where they live and which school they attend. In any remaining spare time, she enjoys rock climbing (indoors only), traveling, hiking, and exploring the Bay Area.


Ambrosia Studley, SEF Middle School Rep

Ambrosia Studley

Sunnyvale Middle School Representative

Ambrosia is a Sunnyvale Middle School and Fairwood Explorer parent. Originally from the North Bay, she has called Sunnyvale home for 13 years.  Ambrosia’s professional work experience is in the nonprofit sector, but as a stay at home Mom for the past 10 years has focused on completing her Master’s Degree in Public Administration (2013) and volunteering.  She served on the Fariwood Alliance Board for three years, including one term as president, and continues working on their Walkathon Team and Garden Team. For SEF Ambrosia serves as the Sunnyvale Middle School Representative and is on the Communications Committee.


George McMullen

Lisa McRae

Vargas Elementary School Representative

Lisa is originally from the UK and moved to Sunnyvale with her husband in 2012. She is the SEF representative for Vargas Elementary, the school her two children attend. Lisa strongly supports public education and has been involved with the community at Vargas by volunteering with students, serving as Treasurer and Vice President on the PTA board, and as a parent representative on School Site Council. Her professional background is in biology research in academia and biotech. She was always interested in science outreach and education and now works for a local science education non-profit bringing hands-on science to 3rd through 8th grade students in the Bay Area.


Isabel Jubes-Flamerich

Isabel Jubes-Flamerich

SSD Board Representative

Isabel is the mother of two bright, fun, active and inquisitive teens. Her kids went to the SSD, and are now at the FUHSD. She immigrated with her husband about 25 years ago as co-founder of a start-up tech company. With a master’s degree in architecture and environmental design, as well as other post graduate studies and certifications, she continues to build her love for education, community service, and climate awareness through design and social involvement. She is in her second year as board president for the Sunnyvale School District, and is part of many local and statewide boards for public education.


Katie Rowland, San Miguel Elementary School Representative

Katie Rowland

Programs Chair

Katie Rowland is a Juntos program parent with students at San Miguel and Columbia. Katie is a product marketing and research consultant, primarily in the ed tech/publishing sector. She has lived in Sunnyvale since 2013. Katie serves as the Chair of the Programs Committee.


Susan Humphries Salop

Fundraising Chair

Susan is a Sunnyvale Middle School parent and former Ellis Elementary and Cherry Chase parent. In addition to being an active volunteer and member of the Sunnyvale Middle School PTSA, Susan has extensive non profit volunteer and board experience in education. Susan has been a Sunnyvale resident since 2008 and has 20+ years experience working in international business development and operations in Asia and Silicon Valley. She enjoys travel, spending time outdoors and trying different restaurants in Sunnyvale. Susan serves as the Chair of the Fundraising Committee.


Angela Hixson, Board Member at Large

Angela Hixson

Board Member At Large

Angela Hixson is a former Sunnyvale Middle School parent and former Fairwood Explorer Elementary parent. While at Sunnyvale Middle School she was on the PTSA Board serving as 6th grade VP, 7th grade VP then Direct Appeal VP. At Fairwood she was Box Tops Coordinator, Family Math Night Coordinator and ran Math Olympiad for 3 years. Born in Arizona, she has lived in Sunnyvale for 10 years. Angela has a B.A. in Elementary Education and an M.A. in Gifted Education. She taught in Arizona for 10 years, primarily in 3rd and 5th grade.
