Dec 27, 2017
Do you need to order photos in the new year? We have a Shutterfly storefront! Order your photos through our Shutterfly storefront, and they’ll give us 13% of the purchase price. Which is great – the photos of your children will also make their schools better. So place your photo order today!
Dec 23, 2017

You may remember that two years ago, we donated $10,000 – $1,000 per school – to the district. The idea was that each school would have an extra $1,000 to spend on something they needed. Sunnyvale Middle bought art books. Lakewood Elementary spent their grant on a handful of things, including dinner for a community night where potential kindergarteners could visit the school. In November, we kicked off that process again. Each school will get $1,000 to put towards something useful, and that wouldn’t happen without this money.
Keep an eye out for what it was spent on in the upcoming months!
Dec 18, 2017

La Fundación para la educación de Sunnyvale tuvo un año maravilloso! Existimos con el propósito de mejorar el entorno educativo y el año escolar pasado recaudamos casi $30,000 para lograr nuestra meta. Y con ese dinero, se realizaron proyectos muy buenos, incluyendo paquetes de ciencia, cubrimos el costo del transporte para algunas excursiones, asambleas para prevenir bullying, clases de arte y algunas cosas más. Hasta hoy en el año escolar actual, ofrecimos dos eventos para examenes de tuberculosis en dos escuelas. También suministramos $12,000 para cubrir el costo de excursiones de escuelas Title I y $10,000 más de concesiones que se repartieron a todas las escuelas en el distrito.
Nuestras escuelas han sufrido recortes de presupuesto estatal, así como todas las escuelas públicas en California, y necesitamos su ayuda. Su contribución monetaria se utilizará para seguir ofreciendo excursiones, examenes de tuberculosis, material didáctico, clases de música y arte y muchos otros beneficios para nuestros estudiantes. Donantes como ud. patrocinaron cerca de 30 estudiantes de quinto grado para que pudieran asistir al campamento de ciencia, al donar mas de $8,000. Nos gustaría patrocinar más niños este año. Nada de esto sería posible sin su ayuda.
Haga la diferencia a través de su contribución a o manda un cheque. Si el corporativo para el que ud. trabaja dobla su contribución es también bien recibido. SEF es una organización sin fines de lucro de la Sección 501(c)3 y su donación califica como una deducción caritativa en su declaración de impuestos federal. Nuestro numero de identificación de impuestos es 47-382571.
!Cada donación cuenta! Muchas gracias por su apoyo.
Melinda Hamilton
Dec 18, 2017

The Sunnyvale Education Foundation had an amazing year! We exist to help the schools create a better learning environment, and last school year we raised nearly $30,000 to achieve that goal. Then we did great things with that money, including providing field trip buses, science kits, anti-bullying assemblies, art classes, and more. So far this school year, we hosted two tuberculosis testing events for volunteers district-wide. We also provided $12,000 to fund field trips for Title I schools and another $10,000 in grants for all district schools.
Our schools suffer from the same state funding financial shortfalls as all public schools in California and we need your help. Your financial contribution will continue to bring field trips, tuberculosis testing, classroom materials, music and art classes, and many other benefits to our students. Donors like you sent nearly 30 fifth grade students to science camp last year by giving more than $8,000, and we would like to send even more students this year. None of this is possible without you.
Make a difference by contributing today or sending us a check to 819 W Iowa St, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. Corporate matches are also welcome. SEF is an IRS Section 501(c)3 nonprofit, and your gift qualifies as a charitable deduction on your federal tax return. Our tax ID is 47-3825871.
Every donation counts! Thank you so much for your support.
Melinda Hamilton, President
Sunnyvale Education Foundation
Dec 16, 2017

Waaayyyy back in October (two months ago!) we wrote a check to the school district to help pay for field trips for the four title 1 schools: Vargas, Bishop, San Miguel, and Lakewood. Field trips are super-important for learning, but getting the students out into the world can be expensive. Which is where we come in. We were able to get a grant to send students form the four title 1 schools in the district on field trips!
We’re happy that we were able to make a small difference in these students’ education.