Our fliers explaining science camp, in English and en Español
Want to learn even more about our drive to raise money for science camp? Click on the images below (the first is in English, the second, Spanish) and read our flier!
Want to learn even more about our drive to raise money for science camp? Click on the images below (the first is in English, the second, Spanish) and read our flier!
A HUGE thanks to everyone who has donated to help pay for a 5th grader to go to science camp! Thanks to people like you, we are 70% of the way to our goal of raising $5000 by May 24th. Seventy percent! This is great.
Thanks to Synopsys, who donated as well. They’re a wonderful community partner!
You can make a difference by donating today! Some Sunnyvale schools are still raising money to send their students to science camp, even though they’ve already attended. Your $100 donation could become $300 – $100 from you, $100 from SEF, and, if your employer does corporate matching, $100 from them! Every dollar you donate now will free another dollar for other school needs, like classroom supplies and teacher training.
You can donate by clicking the button below or by sending a check to:
Sunnyvale Education Foundation
816 W Iowa Ave
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Thank you for your generous support. We couldn’t do this without you!
Are you interested in learning how other school communities communicate? Are you responsible for a newsletter on your child’s campus? How does your school get information out to its parents: email? Paper fliers? Facebook? Join us at the next roundtable meeting to discuss how different schools communicate with their communities. Kate Degelau-Pierce, the SEF communications VP and SMS newsletter editor, will facilitate the discussion. We would appreciate it if everyone could invite the individuals responsible for the parent/teacher newsletters and online presence at your school and be prepared to share information on best practices.
Did you know…
It’s true! A donation of $300 would pay for one student’s full science camp tuition, but anything, even $10, will help. Thank you for your support!